we put our existence in a little box. we believe it. the little box knows more about us than we do. it contains all of our secrets. we seek for proof that we are real by taking pictures. we seek acceptance through it. we seek love and admiration. our social life is transferred into a digital space. our whole subsistence is virtual, trapped in a metal case.
it is the most intimate thing that an individual has. from all the bits that the device contains you can recreate this person. you can make a portrait extracting the information that he has trusted it with.
we are asking it questions. am i real? this is communication with the reality and yourself. a personality can be materialised in a form of a gadget. the whole world is in our hands and pockets and it seems more real than the surroundings. it contains answers. it contains an image of ourselves. it is much more than a communication matter. it is a second you. it is you that will live longer, if not forever. a digital form of a human being.
you are numbers now, bytes and sequences. as a real person, you become a shadow of this second you. it is your mind, your knowledge, your state of health, your thoughts, your bank accounts, your desires, your musical preferences, your guilty pleasures, every single bit of your life.
the essence of your soul.
you are in a box now. you entrusted yourself to a stone-shaped pocket-sized god. what is more real? the you standing there in flesh and blood, or the you shaped by symbols made by other men?