23 November
being at the desk in marabou brings same old habits - reading shit articles on self-development or other, scrolling my feed, jumping from one thing to another. this environment doesn't let me move on to the cool stuff, but it is me who is unable to move on, isn't it? i mean, how can i keep blaming the world around me for my problems, even subconsciously?
also, it is so funny to read those posts on how to be a better person. there is always a piece of a advice about not hanging out with certain people - negative people, people that complain a lot, people that take your energy… what if i am that person? is it why i am alone, is it why no one is eager to get to know me better? (why would i need many people to get to know me better?..)



7 years ago

I want to know you better.
Although it's not the point here.
Avoiding pessimistic people can be right only if they are not your close cerle of friends and family.

You are not to blame in anything.

7 years ago

zebra-v-palto: thank you honey.